Sonoma County Biography

Romildo Louis Mazza

A few miles from Petaluma may be seen the fine ranch property belonging to Luigi Mazza, and leased to his son R. L. Mazza, who is one of the younger generation of ranchers in this section of Sonoma county. Although he is a native of this part of California, his birth occurring in Tocaloma, Marin county, in 1875, he is the descendant of a long line of Swiss ancestors and possesses all of the admirable traits that have made the citizens of that little republic so heartily welcomed wherever they have chanced to locate.

Luigi Mazza was the establisher of the name on this side of the Atlantic. He was born in Switzerland in 1836, and upon reaching years of maturity had endeavored to make himself content with the advantages and opportunities for progress which his native country offered, but these paled into insignificance before the unlimited chances for advancement which he had been told would be his for the seeking on this continent. He was thirty-four years of age when, in 1870, he set sail for the United States, and after landing from the vessel at the eastern port of New York, he re-embarked on a vessel bound for the Isthmus of Panama, and on the Pacific side of the Isthmus, took passage on another vessel which finally landed him in the Golden Gate. Going from there to Marin county, he established a home in Tocaloma, and it was there that his son R. L. was born five years later. In his wife, who before her marriage was Lucia Giacomini, and who was born in Switzerland in 1846, Mr. Mazza had a true helpmate and sympathetic companion. Eight children enlivened this household, three sons and five daughters, Romildo, William, Samuel, Nellie, Olympia, Alma, Kate and Dina. The latter is a half-sister, being the daughter of the mother’s first marriage to Mr. Mazza’s older brother. The eldest of the daughters, Nellie, became the wife of Louis Henrioulle; Dina became the wife of Peter Silacci, and the mother of three children, Wilford, George and Edwina; Alma is the wife of Clorindo Bloom.

With his brothers and sisters R. L. Mazza attended the schools of Tocaloma, Marin county, and when not in school he was performing duties about the home ranch. It was in this way that he became familiar with ranching and was enabled to undertake the responsibilities of a ranch of his own at so early an age and with such splendid success. Near Petaluma he leases a tract of eight hundred and forty-four acres of his father’s land, of which forty-five acres are under cultivation, while the remainder of the land gives ample pasturage to one hundred cows, twenty-five head of young stock and heavy horses, besides which he engages to some extent in the poultry business.

At Liberty Station, Cal., Mr. Mazza was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Solvate, in 1906, and one son, Frances, has been born to them. Mrs. Mazza is the daughter of Alexander Soldati, a native of Switzerland, born November 14, 1854, and his wife, formerly Louisa Bianchini. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Soldati, as follows: Flevio, Marino, Corina, Jennie, Vina, Alice, Palma and Effie. Corina is the wife of Louis Pomi and the mother of one son; Vina is the wife of William Nonella and the mother of a daughter, Mabel; and Jennie is Mrs. Mazza. Both Mr. Mazza and his wife were reared in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, and their child’s training has been along the same line of faith. Politically Mr. Mazza is not attached to either the great political parties, but reserves the right to vote for the man who, in his opinion, is best suited for the political office in question.

History of Sonoma County, California

History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891

Los Angeles, Ca. 1911

Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood

June 6, 2010 Pages 1101-1102

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