Sonoma County Biography

Dominico Mancini

When one considers the difficulties attending the immigrant to American shores, their unfamiliarity with language, soil and environment, the success which many of them attain is little less than remarkable. Working with undiminished ardor from day to day, and from year to year, Dominico Mancini has acquired a standing among the successful ranchers of Sonoma county, and as he is still a young man, he can still look forward to an ever widening future.

Ital was Mr. Mancini’s native home, his birth occurring in December, 1867, the son of parents who were content to remain in their native country and make the most of the meager livelihood that their surroundings afforded. Their son, however, as he grew to manhood years imbibed more and more of the western spirit of freedom and chafed under the narrow, circumscribed conditions that prevailed in his home land, and at the age of twenty-five, in 1892, he bade farewell to family and home land and set out for the free shores of America. The same year found him in Sonoma county, Cal., where he contentedly worked as a ranch hand for a number of years. These were years of hard work, not unmixed with discouragements from time to time, but he persevered and today is in the enjoyment of the results of his earlier efforts. For about thirteen years altogether he made his headquarters in Santa Rosa, working on ranches in that vicinity and later assuming the responsibilities of a ranch on his own account, but finally, in 1905, he came to his present ranch, on section 25, in Russian River township, where he has a fine ranch of forty acres, one which in point of productiveness and appearance takes high rank with surrounding ranches. The locality is especially favorable for the raising of grapes and this commodity forms his chief crop, twenty-seven acres being in vineyard, from which he gathers twenty tons annually. The grapes are readily disposed of at the nearby winery and bring $16 a ton. On the land not in vineyard the owner raises hay and gives ample pasture to three horses and one cow.

Mr. Mancini had been a resident of California seven years before he felt financially able to assume the responsibilities of domestic life, his marriage at this time, in 1899, uniting him with Miss Rosie Virginia. Six children, all sons, have been born of this marriage, as follows: Silva, Joseph, Raenaldo, Paul, Fred and William. The parents are rearing their children in the faith of the Catholic Church, in which they themselves were reared from childhood. In his political views Mr. Mancini is independent.

History of Sonoma County, California

History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891

Los Angeles, Ca. 1911

Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood

May 14, 2010 Pages 1065-1066

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