Sonoma County Biography

G. B. Leveroni

For over forty years Mr. Leveroni has made his home in the vicinity of Petaluma, Sonoma county, towards whose upbuilding he has contributed in a quiet but nevertheless substantial way. He is one of the large number of foreign-born citizens who have here found the combination of conditions which were lacking in their own countries to permit them to move forward and make the most of the latent possibilities within them. His earliest recollections are of a simple home in Italy, where he was born in 1850, and where his parents labored untiringly in tilling a small patch of ground to provide for the necessities of their family.

When he was eighteen years old Mr. Leveroni came to the United States, coming to California during the same year, 1868, and soon engaged in gardening in San Jose. It was not until 1870 that he came to Sonoma county and established himself as a gardener in the vicinity of Sonoma, one the Col. Rogers place, where he made a specialty of raising vegetables. His years of effort were put to good account, and the luscious vegetables which he raised found a ready sale in the near-by markets. In 1909 he bought ten acres on San Antone creek, where he has a nice residence and improvements, located about five miles south of Petaluma.

In Petaluma, in 1879, Mr. Leveroni was united in marriage with Miss Rosa Solari, and ten children have been born to them, as follows: Mary, Toney, David, Victor, Isadore, Manuel, Olivia, Anita, Genevieve and Florence. One of the sons, David, is married, and he and his wife, formerly Julia Bossi, have one son, David, Jr.

Mrs. Leveroni is the daughter of Joseph and Anna Solari, who were born in Italy. The six children born of their marriage were David, Victor, Toney, John, Rosa and Lena, and with them the parents came to California in 1870. Lena subsequently became the wife of James Hansen, and is now the mother of one son. It was nine years after her parents settled in California that Rosa Solari met and married Mr. Leveroni. They have a comfortable but unpretentious home on ten acres of land near Petaluma, upon the proceeds of which Mr. Leveroni has been able to provide a comfortable living for his large family. Three horses of high grade are being raised on the ranch. Mr. Leveroni and all of his family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church in Petaluma, and owing to the fact that Mr. Leveroni has never taken out naturalization papers, he is not eligible to vote. In all other respects, however, he is a loyal citizen of the United States and of California in particular.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
February 2010 Pages 993-994

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