Sonoma County Biography

Perry Kuhnle

The agricultural community in and around Petaluma is made up largely of men of steady-going, persevering traits, those who are ambitious but nevertheless do not over-reach their ability. Such men form the bone and sinew of any community, for they are dependable and without exception may be counted upon to uphold and forward the best interests of their immediate locality, as well as those of state and nation. This in a word is a description of Perry Kuhnle, a well-known rancher of Sonoma county. On the paternal side he is of German descent, his father, Jacob Kuhnle, having been born in the Fatherland in 1836. During young manhood he set out from his native land alone and came to the United States, destiny directing his footsteps to Illinois, where he made his home until he came to California in 1875. In the meantime he had formed domestic ties by his marriage with Miss Almira Grimes, who was born in Michigan. Two children were born of this marriage, Perry and Agnes, but the latter is deceased. Mr. Kuhnle gave his services to the cause of the Union during the Civil war, enlisting in the First Michigan Volunteer Infantry in August, 1861. During his three years service he participated in the following battles: Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Culpepper Court House, Gettysburg, Antietam (where he was wounded), second battle of Bull Run, Winchester and Cedar Mountain.

Perry Kuhnle was born on the parental homestead in Champaign county, Ill., December 20, 1870, but as he was only five years old when removal was made to California his personal knowledge of his birthplace is limited, and Sonoma county has practically been his life-time home. Here he attended school and here too he was made familiar with ranching through contact with its duties and obligations on his father’s ranch. The work appealed to him, and when the time came for him to choose a vocation in life he did not despise the calling in which his father had labored so long and faithfully. Not far from Petaluma he leases a ranch of one hundred acres, half of which is under cultivation, the remainder being used as pasture land for five cows, four horses and also raising chickens, of which he has at the present time one hundred and fifty.

Mr. Kuhnle’s home is presided over by his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Nellie E. Eades, a native daughter of California, born in Sonoma county in 1871. Her father, George H. Eades, was born in England in 1834, and was therefore a young man of sixteen years when, in 1850, he landed as an immigrant on our shores. From the point of landing he came direct to California and located in Sonoma county, where ranching has formed his chief occupation. He had a congenial and faithful companion in his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Mary Casey, a native of Boston, Mass. The only child born of this marriage was Nellie E., the wife of Mr. Kuhnle. Three children have come to bless their home, Marie C., Irene and Alice, and every advantage within the power of their devoted parents to bestow is given them to make them the better able to cope with life and its duties. While Mr. Kuhnle is not connected with any church organization he is still a Christian in the best sense, for he takes for his daily guide the Golden Rule, allowing this to decide any question in which he may be in doubt. Politically he casts his vote in favor of Republican candidates.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
January 2010 Pages 529-530

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