Sonoma County Biography

William Henry Grove

Very few of the men now identified with the citizenship of Sonoma county have been connected with its material development for a period as long as may be claimed by Mr. Grove, whose proud boast it is that he has lived within the limits of the county since the year 1853. From his native commonwealth of Ohio he came to California at the time named, when he was a boy of only ten years. Hence the associations of his busy life center in the west. Whatever of success he has achieved (and this has been considerable) may be attributed to his energy of temperament, vigor of mind and force of will, coupled with the opportunities afforded by the region where so much of his life has been passed. As a pioneer of Russian river township he has aided every movement for the local welfare, has contributed to the building of schools and churches, has promoted the civic prosperity, has helped to open roads and improve lands, and in every respect has discharged the duties falling upon public-spirited citizens. For a long time he has owned and occupied a ranch of one hundred and eighty acres near Windsor and to the development of the property he has given earnest, intelligent attention. A fine vineyard of thirty-five acres is an eloquent testimonial to his skill as a horticulturist. The successful raising of grain indicates his industry as a husbandman. By care and wise management he is in receipt of a gratifying annual income and has been enabled to surround his family with the comforts of existence.

Upon establishing domestic ties Mr. Grove married Jeanetta Spence, who was born in Canada in June of 1848, being a daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Letson) Spence. The children born of the union were named William, Elmer, Jesse, Edith M. and Elodia. The second-named son married Vivian Huych, and the third, Jesse, married Dora Isaac, by whom he has a daughter, Ruth. Edith is the wife of William Wilson and has an adopted daughter, Emma. Elodia, Mrs. Joseph Smith, has a daughter, Dorothy. In the Spence family there were the following sons and daughters: William, Thomas, Archie, Andrew, Charles, Sarah, Jeanetta, Mary, Belle, Nellie and Martha. William married Mary Thompson and has two sons, George and Fred. Thomas has two sons, Henry and Arthur. Archie married Sophia Smear and has three children, William, Myrtle and Viola.

The Grove family is of eastern extraction and colonial stock. In the household of David and C. (Richter) Grove there were the following-named sons and daughters: William Henry, whose name introduces this article; Orville, Benjamin F., Louis, Christopher, George W., John, Grant, Mary F., Phoebe, Emma and Louisa. The eldest daughter, Mary Frances, married John Hopper and had thirteen children, namely: John, Louis, George, Roy, Otey, Elwood, Sadie, Nancy, Mary, Louise, Emma, Ada and Henrietta. Benjamin F. married Clara Morehouse and had seven children, Herbert, Walter, Chester, Charles, Louis, Oren and Edna (Mrs. George Nicholson). Orville was united with Ida Withworth and they became the parents of the following children, Elliott, Everett, Leonard, Melburn, Sidney and Blanche. Christopher married Nancy Hopper, to which union four sons were born, Charles, Fred, Edward and Bert. George and his wife, who was Emma Clark, had a family comprising three sons, Chester, Ray and Clarence. Grant married Mary Callahan, and their union was childless. Phoebe, Mrs. J. L. Rickman, had two sons, Lloyd and Walter. Emma, Mrs. Edward Hopper, has one son, Percy, and Louisa, Mrs. Richard Porter, became the mother of four children.

It is characteristic of Mr. Grove that he takes a warm interest in all movements for the uplifting of mankind. Particularly is he interested in enterprises for the local welfare. While averse to holding office he has on occasion consented to serve the people in an official capacity, and has rendered efficient service as constable and as school trustee. The people of his township entertain the highest opinion of his ability as a man, his devotion as a citizen, his friendly spirit as a neighbor and his patriotic support of all enterprises for the material upbuilding and educational advancement of the county where for nearly sixty years he has made his home.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
October 2009 Pages 945-949

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