Sonoma County Biography

Joseph Garzoli

One of the native-born sons of Switzerland who has made a success of life in Marin county by indefatigable labors, reaping a degree of success impossible in the country of his birth, is Joseph Garzoli, who was born in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, in 1875, and who was there reared to a full knowledge of the business for which his countrymen are noted the world over, namely dairying.

It was natural that an imegrant from the great dairying country of Switzerland should seek employment in the dairy business in California, and we find that Mr. Garzoli, after coming here in 1892, did not long delay in finding work on a dairy farm in Marin county. During the five years that he labored in the employ of others he was careful of his earnings, having ever in mind the ambition to some day become proprietor of a dairy ranch of his own. He is now in the enjoyment of this realization, for with his cousin, Belardo Garzoli, he leases a splendid tract of dairying land near Petaluma consisting of six hundred and ninety-six acres, known as the Garzoli ranch. Sixty fine milch cows constitute their dairy herd, besides which they have one thousand White Leghorn chickens, forty hogs and ten head of high-grade horses. Though young in years they have had considerable practical experience in all lines of agriculture, and in the application of this knowledge and experience they are making a name and place for themselves that men much their senior in years might envy.

A marriage ceremony performed in Tomales, Marin county, in 1905, united the destinies of Joseph Garzoli and Flora Dado, and they have three children, two sons and a daughter, Clayton, Leo and Matilda, the eldest child having been born April 17, 1906.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
October 2009 Pages 1105-1106

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