Sonoma County Biography

Morris H. Fredericks

A resident of Petaluma for many years, Morris H. Fredericks has taken an active part in its upbuilding, as well as in municipal affairs, so much so that he was selected as a member of the board of Freeholders that drew up and framed the city charter that was adopted by the people in 1910 and by the legislature of 1911. At the election in April, 1911, he was elected a member of the first city council under the new city charter, being chairman of the finance committee, by virtue of which he is also chairman of the fire commissioners. It is his belief that every man should do all in his power, not only towards the upbuilding of the community, but also in the administration of a clean, moral city government, and to this end he is working to the best of his ability.

Mr. Fredericks was born in Fohr, Sleswig, Germany, December 18, 1859, the son of Henry L. and Inka (Jurgens) Fredericks, both natives of Fohr, Germany. The father passed away in his native place and the mother spent her last days in Petaluma, dying in 1911, at the age of eighty-five.

Morris Fredericks received a good education in the schools of his native land, where he remained until 1875, when he came to Sonoma county, Cal., following farming at Bloomfield until 1886, when he located in Petaluma and two years later he began the building business, in which he has had marked success. Among some of the jobs he has completed are the Realty building, Healey's furniture store, Lugia residence, Allen residence, Gossage residence and many others. He has a comfortable and pleasant home at No. 525 Seventh street, where he resides with his wife and children. In San Francisco he married Theodora Lauritzen, who was also born in Fohr, Germany, and to them were born six children, as follows: Ida, who is a clerk in Newburgh's store; Henry; Minnie, Mrs. J. H. Galleher, of San Bruno; Tillie, a stenographer for the California State Home at Eldridge; Dora and Martin. Mr. Fredericks is a member of the Foresters, Druids and Elks, and is a man who is appreciated and much respected for his honesty, worth and integrity.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
September 2008 Pages 1014-1015

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