Sonoma County Biography

Achille Filippini

Representatives of the Swiss race who have immigrated to California and established permanent homes in this section of the country drift into the dairying industry by reason of their familiarity with the work and their natural adaptation to the same. In the list of Swiss dairy workers residing in Sonoma county mention belongs to A. Filippini, who since crossing the ocean from his native land and settling in California in the year 1881 has made Sonoma county his home, meanwhile by persistent industry working his way from the bottom to independence. Ranching has been his occupation throughout all the years of his residence in the country, and dairying has been his specialty. At this writing he operates one thousand acres of leased land not far distant from Petaluma. On the ranch he now has one hundred and twenty-three head of cows and calves, also twelve head of horses and fifty hogs, the entire herd of stock representing a considerable valuation from a money standpoint. The land is in pasture to some extent, but a considerable portion in meadow furnishes large crops of hay for the stock and the various farm products also are raised. Thrift is noticeable in the management by the proprietor, and economy has been observed through all the details of the work of the house and the farm.

In tracing the personal history of the gentlemen whose name introduces this sketch we find that his ancestors resided in Switzerland as far back as the records can be traced. His father, Jacimo, a contractor and builder, born in 1829, married Victoria Martinoia, who like himself spent her entire life within the boundaries of her native Switzerland. Their family comprised eleven children, namely: Achille, Edvardo, Clet, Dines, Isiline, Irsilia, Orillia, Victoria, Daria, Stefanina and Clorinda. The eldest daughter, Isiline, married Peter Ballo, and two sons and one daughter were born of their union, namely: Olympia, Elvis and Olivia, Mrs. Joseph Beretta, the last-named having two children, Joseph, Jr., and Isiline. Olympia is married, but has no children; Elvis married Eloise Garzoli and has two children, Elvis, Jr., and Rosie.

The second daughter in the Filippini family was Irsilia, Mrs. Peter Balbo, the mother of a daughter, Eda, who is the wife of Jilio Quanch. Victoria, the fourth daughter, is the wife of Charles Russell, of Oregon. Clorinda, the youngest daughter, married Reziero Traversi, and has three daughters, Stella, Dora and Jennie. The marriage of Achille Filippini united him with Irene Morelli. Both are natives of Switzerland, his birth having occurred in 1867, while she wasborn in 1878. They are the parents of four children, Henry, Robert, James and Evaline. Mrs. Filippini is the daughter of Miachel Morelli, born in Switzerland in 1830 and an emigrant to California in 1863, afterward, however, returning to his native land for a temporary sojourn. By the union of Mr. Morelli and Sorenia Mattie the following-named children were born: Amado, Aquilino, Ovidio, Marino, Leopoldo, Olivia, Irene (Mrs. Filippini), Amalba, Florida and Jocondo. The eldest son, Amado Morelli, married Irene Rispini and has two sons, Camillo and Milton. Aquilino married Eugena Leoni and has five children, Michael, Romeo, Lillie, Adeline and Mabel. Florida is the wife of A. Fregario and the mother of a daughter, Armeda.

The members of the Morelli and Filippini families are stanch in devoted allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church, and Mr. Filippini has been a generous contributor to its maintenance and missionary enterprises. In politics he gives his support to Republican principles, but has not been active in partisan affairs, nor has he ever sought political honors. When the work of the ranch permits a temporary respite he finds his chief pleasure in hunting, and many a fine specimen of game has fallen beneath his unerring marksmanship, but his intervals of leisure being few, he may usually be found on his ranch, carefully and intelligently discharging the duties connected with the care of the stock and of the land.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
September 2008
Pages 1051-1052

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