Sonoma County Biography

Mrs. Fredricka F. Drosbach

Though not a native of this country, so much of her life has been passed in the United Stats that Mrs. Drosbach is to all intents and purposes an American-born citizen. Her ancestors on both sides of the family were of German birth and breeding, and she herself was born in the Fatherland, in 1839, the daughter of John Simon and Margaret (Hoffman) Ryth. When she was a child in arms her parents immigrated to the United States, the vessel on which they made the ocean voyage landing them at the port of New York. Her childhood, girlhood and young womanhood were passed in the east, and it was not until 1884 that she came to the west to make her future home. Oakland was her destination upon coming to California, and it was in the vicinity of this city that the following nine years of her life were passed. In the meantime, in 1875, she became the wife of Andrew Drosbach, who like herself was a native of the Fatherland. In Oakland, where their marriage was celebrated, they continued to make their home for a number of years, finally, in 1885, coming to Sonoma county and locating on the ranch which was the home of the widow until 1911. Here the earth life of Mr. Drosbach came to a close in 1894, when he was fifty-nine years of age. While the ranch was not large as compared with many others in the locality, containing only fifteen and a-half acres, still in point of productiveness its equal would be hard to find. The land was laid out and planted to the best advantage possible and there was no portion of it that was not under advantageous cultivation, walnuts, figs, peaches, pears, apples, cherries, grapes and berries yielding crops in their season that made this one of the most desirable ranches in this part of Sonoma county. Since disposing of the ranch Mrs. Drosbach has made her home in Sebastopol, at No. 418 South Main street.

Four children were born of the marriage of Mr. And Mrs. Drosbach, the eldest of whom, George A., married Miss Agnes Tomey, a native of California, and they have one daughter. The other children are Arthur G., Harry R. and William A.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
July 2008
Pages 875-876

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