Sonoma County Biography

John Thomas Dixon

It speaks well for a state or county when those who have visited other parts of the country, select a certain locality as the one of all others in which to live in contentment and quiet, and at the same time make a comfortable living. This has been Mr. Dixon's experience, and he has good reason to thank kind Fortune for leading his footsteps to this garden spot of the west as he considers Sonoma county.

The son of Michael and Martha (Hale) Dixon, natives of Tennessee and Missouri respectively, John T. Dixon was born in Dallas county, Mo., March 30, 1855. During his boyhood the home of the family was transferred to Boone county, same state, and in both of these localities he attended school and made the best possible use of the advantages which they offered. With the experience and knowledge of twenty years as his chief asset he started out in the world to make his own way, coming at that time to California and settling in Napa county. Altogether he continued in that part of the state for about thirteen years, working as a farm hand on ranches until he felt competent to undertake responsibilities on his own account. It was with the knowledge and experience of several years as a rancher that he came to Sonoma county in 1888, after which he was employed in vineyards for a number of years thus adding a knowledge of this special branch of agriculture to his other acquirements. In 1902 he purchased the ranch of thirty-seven acres near Fulton which has been his home ever since, and here in the meantime he has practically demonstrated his knowledge and understanding of the cultivation of the vine. From year to year his income has marked an increase in the volume of business transacted, and during the year 1909 the sales from his vines amounted to $1,000.

By his marriage in 1877 Mr. Dixon was united to a native daughter of California in Miss Ida Gardener, and three children were born to them. The eldest of these children is May, a resident of San Mateo county, and the wife of George Ross. Charles Wilton is engaged in the stock business in Washoe county, Nev. Jessie N. is a resident of Marin county, Cal. The mother of these children passed away in 1894, and three years later, in 1897 Mr. Dixon was united in marriage with his present wife, formerly Mrs. Lottie Crigler. The only child of this marriage is John Orton, who was born in 1898 and is now attending the public school at Fulton. Mrs. Dixon is a native daughter of California and passed her entire life in the state. On national questions Mr. Dixon votes the Republican ticket, but in local matters he varies his vote according to the qualifications of the candidate. He has held a number of offices within the gift of his fellow-citizens, having held the office of school trustee for three years and for the past three years has been clerk of the school board. Progressive and public-spirited, Mr. Dixon is one whose residence in Sonoma county has been of distinct advantage to state and county, and no project that would advance the welfare of either has failed to receive his support and encouragement.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
July 2008
Pages 572-575

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