Sonoma County Biography

Angelo Dinucci

Still another of the sons of Italy who are exercising their knowledge of agriculture in Sonoma county is Angelo Dinucci, who owns a ranch of forty-five acres in close proximity to the thriving town of Guerneville, and as one of the earlier settlers of this nationality in this immediate section, he has given help and encouragement to many of his countrymen who, like himself, have come here to enjoy privileges which their own country as yet has no conception of.

Born in the town of Borgo Mozzano, Italy, in 1855, Angelo Dinucci is a son of parents who never knew any other home than Italy, but they reared their children to a right understanding of life and its responsibilities and as far as lay in their power fitted them to cope with the vicissitudes of life wherever they might choose to make their homes. One of them at least chose the United States as the scene of his future life and efforts, and the year 1876 witnessed the embarkation of Angelo Dinucci for these free shores, he at the time being about twenty years of age. The same year witnessed his arrival in California, and the fact that he has remained here ever since is conclusive evidence that he has no desire to transfer his allegiance to his native land. Much of his life in the west has been passed in Sonoma county, where, near Guerneville, he owns a ranch of forty-five acres, a portion of which is in vineyard,and the balance in valuable timber land.

Mr. Dinucci's marriage occurred in 1889 and united him with Madelena Rossi, who was born in Italy in 1871, the daughter of Angelo and Catherina (Paccini) Rossi, Mr. And Mrs. Dinucci became the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters, as follows: Samuel, Hanson, Mary (the wife of Joseph Dappino, of Korbel), Katherine, Emma, Carrie and Lena. Mr. Dinucci was bereaved by the death of his wife March 11, 1911, her remains being interred in Guerneville cemetery. Politically he is a Republican, and although not affiliated by membership with any religious organization, practices the Golden Rule in his dealings with his fellowmen and is liked and respected by all who are brought in contact with him.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
July 2008
Pages 1064-1065

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