Sonoma County Biography

John Jackson Cox

Sixty years represents the period of Mr. Cox's residence in Sonoma county, few if any in his vicinity preceding him, and both by old and young he is affectionately known and addressed as “Uncle John.” Generations of the Cox family had been born and reared in the south, among them the parents of our subject, William and Lucy (Blakely) Cox, both of whom were born and reared in Kentucky but removed to Davis county, Mo., where they were farmers, and resided there until their deaths. In Knox county, Ky., John Jackson Cox was born February 17, 1835. Besides himself the parental family included six sons and two daughters, as follows: William; Levi, who died in Missouri; James, who also died in Missouri; Edward T., who died in the army at Little Rock, Ark., Benjamin, a resident of Hannibal, Mo.; Martin O., who died near Nettleton, Mo.; and Armina and Talitha J., both of whom died in Missouri. Edward chose for his wife Miss Miranda Osborn and they had five children. Benjamin married Miss Langford and they have five children, four daughters and one son. Martin, who chose as his wife Charity Hail, became father of three children, two daughters and a son. Armina became the mother of fifteen children by her marriage with David Thomas, the family making their home in Davis county, Mo. Talitha J. became the wife of David Graves, and the mother of five children.

John Jackson Cox was a youth of fifteen years when the news of the discovery of gold in California was heralded across the plains and it was natural that he should have responded to its call as did many other ambitious youth on the verge of assuming life's responsibilities. He left St. Joseph and crossed the plains in a wagon train of ox-teams in a company of nine men. August 14, 1850, marks the date of his arrival in Ringgold, Eldorado county, where he followed mining for twelve years. Following his mining experience, in 1864, he located to Sonoma county. He and Mr. Trosper owned the Maguire ranch, from Cazadero to Gualala, upon which they ran stock. Later they sold this off to improve their places. Mr. Cox's ranch comprises one hundred and sixty-two and a-half acres, of which eight acres are in vineyard, the yield from which is quite exceptional, averaging twenty-four tons per season. Besides the land devoted to vineyard he has two acres in the various fruits grown in this locality, the remainder of the land being pasture and timber land. Mr. Cox has every reason to be contented with his lot and satisfied that fate led him to take up his residence here, for he has been successful in his undertakings and has enjoyed life in the progressive west as he never could have done in the south where he was born. In his political affiliations he is a Democrat, and though he is not identified by membership with any church organization, he is nevertheless a believer in the keynote of all religions, the Golden Rule, the practice of which he exemplifies in his dealings with his fellowmen, who respect and revere him as one whose life and deeds are unimpeachable.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
June 2008
Pages 719-720

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