Sonoma County Biography

Giovanni Cordano

Probably no nationality of all those who are represented by the citizenship of California adjust themselves more readily to the conditions in their new surroundings than do the sons of Italy, finding here a climate so closely resembling that of their native land that a feeling of welcome and friendliness attracts and binds them to it instinctively. They are no less susceptible to the great difference between the two countries also, their own holding forth little to attract and hold her citizens, while here every man with a capacity for work has an opportunity, the counterpart of which can be found nowhere else upon the globe.

Giovanni Cordano is one of those above referred to as having realized and appropriated the advantages of life in California. Born in Italy in 1846, he grew to the age of fourteen years under native skies, when a realization of the narrowness of the outlook in his own country inducted him to grasp the opportunity to come to the new world and cast his lot in with others of his countrymen who were also planning to take the step. The voyage was accomplished in safety, the vessel landing at the eastern port of New York, where he remained for four years. He then came by way of the Isthmus to California, landing at San Francisco, where a familiarity with the carpenter's trade gave him occupation for several years. It was about the year 1892 that he became owner and proprietor of the ranch upon which he now lives, on Rural Route No. 3 from Healdsburg. Here he has two hundred and forty acres of excellent land, of which fifteen acres are in prunes, nine acres in grapes, while the remaind3er of the land is in hay and pasture, seven head of live-stock now being raised and fattened for market. Mr. Cordano's returns from crops in the year 1909 amounted to $1,300 from prunes and $300 from grapes, which he considers a very satisfactory return for his labor.

The marriage of Giovanni Cordano in 1878 united him with one of his countrywomen in Miss Kate Creghino, and the following children, five sons and seven daughters, were born of their marriage: Joseph (deceased), Turney, Venie, Louis, Baptiste, Rosie, Mary, Daisy (deceased), Bonny, Millie, Mardie and Lillie. The family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church of Healdsburg, and politically Mr. Cordano is a Republican.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 2008
Pages 1047-1048

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