Sonoma County Biography

Hubert G. Comstock

As far back as Revolutionary days the name of Comstock was associated with all that was upright and honorable in the community in which it was known, notably in Fairfield county, Conn., and two later generations of the family have taken equally high rank in the citizenship of California. The establisher of the name on the Pacific coast was William Comstock, who came to the west in the days of the gold excitement and after gaining considerable experience and some wealth in the mines, finally settled down to the life of the agriculturist in Sonoma county. On the ranch which is now the home of his son his earth life came to a close February 10, 1901, a wife and son being left to mourn his loss. (A more detailed account of the life of this California pioneer will be found elsewhere in this volume.)

Hubert G. Comstock is a native of California, born in Sonoma county May 5, 1863, not far from Santa Rosa, and in the schools of this city he received his early school training. Subsequently he was privileged to attend a business college in Stockton, but instead of turning his business training to account in the commercial world, returned to the home ranch in Sonoma county and lifted a share of its responsibilities from his father's shoulders. When he was about eight years old, in 1871, the father had purchased and removed to the ranch which was the home of the latter up to the time of his death. This consisted originally of two hundred and forty acres of land six miles from the court house; and is now the home of his son. The latter has added to its acreage by the purchase of two hundred and twenty acres, owning at the present time four hundred and sixty acres of as productive land as can be found in Sonoma county. Ten acres are in walnuts, while the greater part of the remainder is in grain. Another department of agriculture which receives considerable of his attention and is the source of a good annual income, is the raising of horses and sheep. He is regarded as one of the substantial ranchers and stock-raisers of his community, one whose opinion is considered an authority, for he has made a study of the work and his success is proof that he is an adept.

In 1899 Mr. Comstock was united in marriage with Miss Eppie Hoadley, a native of Sonoma county, whose father, Augustus A. Hoadley, was the first white child born in Trinity county, Cal. Her mother was also a native of California, the daughter of David Wharff, one of the early pioneers of the state. Of the children born to Mr. And Mrs. Comstock five are living, as follows: Ruth Winnifred born in 1900; Wilma Catherine in 1902; Dorris Leona in 1907; Hubert George in 1908; and Grace Elizabeth, February 8, 1911. Politically Mr. Comstock is a Republican, although he is not a supporter of the party's candidates unless in his opinion the candidate is the best man to fill the office in question. Mr. Comstock and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Santa Rosa, as is also his mother, who is a welcome member of his household and at the age of seventy-four years is in possession of all her faculties and is in the best of health.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 2008
Pages 817-818

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