Sonoma County Biography

F. C. Campigli

A good example of the self-made man is found in Mr. Campigli, the proprietor of a fine dairy business, with office at No. 17 Fourth street, Petaluma. He is a native son of the state, his birth having occurred in 1871 in Marin county, where his father, Charles Campigli, had settled on a ranch in pioneer days. Father and son were associated in the maintenance of the home ranch until the latter was twenty-four years of age, when he started out in the world on his own account, with little to his credit except the knowledge of agriculture which he had learned from his father on the home ranch.

Moving in to Petaluma at this time, in 1895, F. C. Campigli became interested in the chicken business, and after investigating it in all of its phases, purchased chickens of a good breed and began in the business in a modest way, also farming on a small scale. Business increased from year to year, and was continued until 1901, when he sold out. The reason for disposing of it was to enable him to devote his whole time and attention to the position which he had accepted with the Golden State Creamery, of San Francisco, as local manager in Petaluma. This has since that time been merged with the Western Creamery Company, but the change was made no alteration in his position as local manager. The headquarters of the Western Creamery Company are located at Benicia, where they manufacture and put up the famous Isleton butter, known throughout this part of the state as the best brand of butter obtainable. The Petaluma branch of the company's business is located at No. 17 Fourth street, in charge of Mr. Campigli, who has built up a large trade in the sale of cream, butter and milk throughout the town and surrounding country.

The marriage of Mr. Campigli occurred in 1897, and united him with Miss Annie Koster, who like himself is a native of California. Two children, Isabel and Vivian, have been born of their marriage. Fraternally Mr. Campigli belongs to the Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen and the Elks.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 2008
Page 1064

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