Sonoma County Biography

Alonzo Bartlett Brandt

As the name might indicate, the Brandt family is of German origin. Henry Brandt, the father of the gentleman whose name appears above, was born in 1818, in Hamburg, Germany, while the birthplace of his wife, who before her marriage was Sophronia Aldridge, was Mattituck, L. I., N. Y. All of their seven children, three sons and four daughters, were born in the east. They were James, Alonzo, George, Sophronia, Eliza, Emma and Clara. The eldest of the children, James, married Nellie Canby, and two children, William and Inez, were born of this marriage.

Alonzo B. Brandt is a native of New York, born at Mattituck, L. I., July 30, 1841. By way of Cape Horn he came to California on the Reporter in 1859, landing at San Francisco. His identification with Sonoma county dates from the year 1901, since which time he has amply demonstrated his ability as a rancher. Near the village of Vineburg he owns a tract of thirty-one acres, five of which are in orchard, while the remainder is in hay. He also has a few head of live-stock, and in the raising of turkeys he realizes a good income, having at the present time a flock of fifty.

The marriage of Alonzo B. Brandt united him with Miss Mary E. Aitken, who was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, and came to this country in infancy with her parents, James and Agnes (Alexander) Aitken, the vessel dropping anchor at Boston Mass. In 1852 her parents came by way of Panama to San Francisco, and in that city she was reared and educated. Three children, two sons and a daughter, have been born to Mr. And Mrs. Brandt, James A., Hariam B. and Norma B. The eldest of the sons, James A., chose as his wife Mildred Meyers, and they have two children, Chester and Bernice. Politically Mr. Brandt is a believer in Republican principles and never fails to support the candidates of this party whenever occasion offers. Although he is a Protestant, he has not identified himself with any of the church organizations, but he lives in accordance with the Golden Rule. In San Francisco he joined the fire department in 1861, serving in old Knickerbocker Engine Company No. 5 until the paid department was inaugurated, and thereafter he continued with the department for many years.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
April 2008
Pages 665-666

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