Sonoma County Biography

Edward Isaac Beeson

A native son of California, Edward J. Beeson was born in Sacramento on March 1, 1858, the son of J. R. and Caroline Beeson, the former born in North Carolina in 1818, and the latter born in Connecticut in 1819. When the gold fever was at its height the elder Mr. Beeson came to California across the plains with ox-teams, in 1852, and settled at Sacramento, where he carried on mining for about seven years. Coming to Sonoma county at the expiration of this time, he settled on a ranch in Alexander valley, and about 1869 located in Healdsburg and engaged in the mercantile business. In this undertaking he was associated with Aaron Hassett, under the firm name of Hassett & Beeson, an association that proved remunerative and congenial, but was brought to a close by the death of Mr. Beeson in 1875. In Healdsburg his wife also died a number of years afterward in 1882.

Although Edward I. Beeson was born in Sacramento he has no remembrance of his birthplace, for when he was nine months old his parents removed to Sonoma county, locating in Alexander valley, where the father purchased a ranch upon which he made his home until the removal of the family to Healdsburg in 1869. The primary education began in Alexander valley was continued in Healdsburg, and after his school days were over Mr. Beeson assisted his father in the store, and continued his connection with the business until about 1896, when with Neils Neilson he opened a saloon in Healdsburg, which has since been conducted under the name of Neilson & Beeson.

Mr. Beeson’s marriage in 1886 united him with Miss Emma Cooper Logan, a native of Cincinnati, and the daughter of Capt. R. S. Logan, who was born in Scotland. The parents of Mrs. Beeson are residents of Healdsburg. The eldest of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Beeson who are now living is Edric Ives, who was born in 1890; he has received a splendid education in the schools of Healdsburg, and since his graduation from the high school has undertaken a course of study in an affiliated school in San Francisco. Elva Marie was born in Healdsburg December 17, 1893, and is now in the second year of the Healdsburg high school. Eda Josephine was born December 5, 1896, and is a student in the grammar school.

Fraternally Mr. Beeson is as charter member of the Knights of Pythias, and he is also identified with the Foresters of America, and the Eagles lodge, Aerie No. 1776, at Healdsburg. Politically he is a believer in Republican principles.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
January 2008 Pages 812-815

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