Sonoma County Biography

Thomas Alexander

While the pioneers of early days did a work which was indispensable in bring order out of the chaos of primeval conditions, the work of those who followed them was no less necessary to carrying on the great work of evolution which has culminated in the civilization which we of the present day enjoy. One of the noble forerunners of this civilization and indefatigable workers in its behalf was Cyrus Alexander, now long since laid to rest, but still remembered for the good that he accomplished in Sonoma county, particularly in Alexander valley, which was so named in his honor. No less well known and highly esteemed in this community is the son of this pioneer, Thomas Alexander, who was born on the old Alexander homestead in Sonoma county, near Healdsburg, March 3, 1864. (For particulars concerning the family history the reader is referred to the sketch of Cyrus Alexander, elsewhere in this volume.)

Thomas Alexander was early in life made familiar with the duties of ranching, for when he was a small boy he had his share of the home obligations to perform, discharging these faithfully, and at the same time attending the public school in the locality of his home. By the time he was seventeen years of age, he had not only completed his schooling, but he had also gained a sufficient understanding of ranching to feel competent to undertake the management of a ranch on his own account. His father encouraged him in the undertaking in a substantial way, by deeding to him a portion of the home place in Alexander valley. He now owns one half of the old homestead, consisting of five hundred acres of fine land, devoted principally to dairy farming and maintaining one hundred cows. Large quantities of hay are also grown, the annual yield from which averages one hundred and fifty tons, while grapes and alfalfa also add considerably to the income of the owner. This was the home of Mr. Alexander for a number of years, but since 1906 he has resided upon his present ranch, also in the valley and not far from the old homestead. Here he has a fine ranch of seventy-five acres, of which twenty acres are in vineyard, eighteen acres in prunes, ten acres in alfalfa, and the remainder of the land in grain. When he purchased the land it was in its primitive condition, all of the trees and vines being selected and planted by himself, and all that it is today is the result of his own individual effort and he takes a commendable pride in his accomplishments.

In 1897 Mr. Alexander was united in marriage with a native daughter of California in Miss Anna Patrick, the daughter of James Patrick. Ambitious, industrious and resourceful, Mr. Alexander has the confidence of the community in which he lives, and of which he is one of the most reliable and substantial citizens.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
November 2007 Pages 533-534

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