Sonoma County Biography

George L. Abel

Ever since becoming a resident of Sonoma county in 1893 Mr. Abel has been deeply interested in the material upbuilding of the region and in a quiet but practical way has promoted local progress. For twelve years he has occupied his present ranch near Santa Rosa, which in its appointments and productiveness ranks with the best in the county.

Records show that the Abel family is of southern origin, and the father of George L. Abel, George Abel, was born in Kentucky. The mother was born in Indiana, and the parents were living in the latter state, in Orange county, at the time of the birth of their son, December 7, 1863. When he was a child of two years the home of the family was transferred to the adjoining state of Illinois, settlement being made in Louisville, Clay county. This was fortunate for the son, for it gave him an excellent opportunity to get the education that the county district in which he was born could not have offered. Altogether he remained in that state for twenty years, at the end of that time going to Nebraska, where he continued farming, the same occupation that he had followed in Illinois after his school days were over. The move to Nebraska proved all that he had expected in every way, but after he had been there eight years the desire to come to California led him to dispose of his interests in Nebraska and that year, 1893, found him on his way to California. Coming direct to Sonoma county, he located on a ranch near Geyserville for three years, after which he cast about to find a suitable location in the vicinity of Santa Rosa, the result of which was he purchased the property which has been his home ever since, on Rural Route No. 4. Here may be seen a modest, well-kept ranch, which in every way is indicative of the owner, method and orderliness being everwhere apparent. Thirteen acres of the ranch are in prunes and apples; the trees in the orchard are from four to six years old, all in splendid producing condition, and during the season of 1909 he gathered three and one-half tons of fruit from his prune trees; the ranch is equipped with a drier, thus making it possible for the owner to make shipment of his produce direct to the market. Besides his orchard Mr. Abel has six and one-half acres in vineyard, the rest of the land being in melons, corn and similar commodities, besides which he has fifty very thrifty walnut trees. The diversity of crops which Mr. Able produces is a wise provision, for in the event of the failure of one or more, the chances are that at least one will prove successful and yield an income. In keeping with the improvements which Mr. Abel has made from time to time to bring his ranch up to its present point of excellence is the beautiful home which he has recently erected, at a cost of $1,500.

In 1885 Mr. Abel formed domestic ties by his marriage with Miss Almina Walton, the ceremony being performed in Louisville, Ill., in which state she was born in 1865. Her father, Daniel Walton, was a native of England, while her mother, Ellen Golden, was born in Illinois; both are now deceased. No children have been born of the marriage of Mr. Abel and his wife. Politically Mr. Abel is a Republican on national questions, but he reserves the right to cast his vote for the best man for the office in minor elections. He has never had any ambitions toward public office, neither has he ever become affiliated with any secret organizations. In his own individual way, however, he has done and is constantly doing good for the community in which he lives, and all who know him esteem him highly.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
November 5, 2007 Pages 806-809

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