The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 334--- 334 KUHN, SALLIE | Volume 8 Box 1961 San Diego, San Diego County, California Dated: May 20, 1899 Husband: Isaac Kuhn (died early in 1899) Brother: Will Jereslau - Entire estate left to him in trust until two minor children attain ages of 18 when each is to receive 1/2 of estate. Should either child die before such a time, the other to receive entire estate. If both die before that time, Uncle Will Jereslau receive the entire estate in fee simple. If Will Jereslau die before completing his trust, testator then nominates Leopold Lieber, or if Leopold Lieber should not survive to complete trust, his wife Lena Lieber. Daughters: Susette Kuhn; Miriam Florence Kuhn; Administrators: Will Jereslau Witnesses: J V Larzalere, of Escondido, California P A Graham, Escondido, California Probated: March 30, 1900 -*-*-*-*-*-*- STEWART, Mary Ann | Volume 8 Box 1970 City of San Diego, county of San Diego, state of California Dated: August 15, 1898 Children: My five children to share equally in my property, Lots 1 & 2, Block 55, Arnold and Choates Addition in Pueblo Lot R and the 2 frame cottages situated thereon. Robert Lowe Stewart; William D Stewart; Donald M Stewart; Mary Jane Missner (known as Jennie); Edith Moncton Hahn; Administrators: The Noble Grand and Vice Grand of the San Diego Lodge of Odd Fellows, No 153, whoever shall be in office at my decease, as executors. No Witnesses: Probated: December 15, 1899 (died November 7, 1899, Lincoln, California) ---end---