The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 326--- 326 PARKE, HUDSON H | Volume 8 Box 1902 Counselor at law of the city of Buffalo, County of Erie, State of New York Dated: May 8, 1893 Wife: Elizabeth R Parke (separated from husband) Administrators: Pete Maischoss, Buffalo, N Y Witnesses: Ralph Stone; Arthur W Decker; both of Buffalo Probated: August 4, 1899 (died January 20, 1894) Survivors: Lydia M Parke (72) mother, Buffalo, N Y Elizabeth R Parke (45) [Buffalo, N Y] Esek K Parke (63) half-brother, Wesley, N Y Porter A Parke (53) [half-brother, Wesley, N Y] Electa A Roberts (50) half-sister [Wesley, N Y] Achse M Allen (47) half-sister [Wesley, N Y] Lincoln A Parke (30) nephew [Wesley, N Y] Peter Maischoss (50) Buffalo, N Y Letters of Administration dated August 9, 1899 To my nephew, Lincoln A Parke, son of my oldest brother Esek K Parke; - my law library, office book case, safe, all my guns, pistols, belts, swords, knives, razors, flags, uniforms, the mahogany arm chair, which was my father's, ant eht "Bull's Eye" watch, sleeve buttons, ear rings, and Masonic apron which formerly belonged to my grandfather, and all the letters, papers, and memorandums, relating to the history of the "Parke" family, which may be in my possession, and all my photographs of members of my family. All of my other office furniture to my friend and partner Peter Maischoff To Mother Lydia M Parke, the Tonawanda street house, where she now lives, all household pictures, furniture, books, clothing and jewelry- not hereinbefore mentioned. My body to be cremated and stone to read "Hudson Hovey Parke, born July 30, 1849 died ________ He was the son of Ephraim Parke, son of Elisha Parke, son of Paul Parke, son of Hezekiah Parke, son of Thomas Parke, son of Robert Parke, who came from Preston, England, in 1631 and settled at New London, Connecticut" and nothing else. No provision is made for my wife Elizabeth R Parke, as I separated from her March 22, 1893 and paid her trustees $5000 which was accepted as full satisfaction. ---end---