The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 186--- 186 Scott, Frank---Reg. of Act---Vol. 5--P.4 | ---box 1072 Died at sea, 1st of Dec. 1890, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia (age 45 time of will) Residence, Boston, Mass. Will dated: Nov. 28, 1890 Brothers: James G. Scott, 58, Boston, Mass. John F. Scott, 53, San Diego, Calif. Charles A. Scott, 38, Boston Mass. Sisters: Minnie M. Young, Boston, Mass. Nephew, Frank H. Scott, (Boston) Mass. Chelsia, County of Suffolk Administrators: James G. Scott John F. Scott Appointed, San Diego, Calif: E.B. Hall Witnesses: Anna M. Quimby Mary E. Bascomb Sam'l L. Powers Probated: May 10, 1893 San Diego, Calif. Filed: May 12, 1893 ---end---