The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 103--- 103 ABSTRACTS OF WILLS filed in San Diego County Court House, San Diego, California. Probate Office Franz Katzenberger of the County of San Diego, California Box 611 Dated: Escondido, Sept. 24, 1889 | Probated: Jan. 15, 1890 Wife: Elizabeth Katzenberger Sons: Frederick, Valentine, Carl and George Daughter: Anne Executor: C.A. Stammer Witnesses: Emily S. Brown of Escondido, California Ed. Hutter of Escondido, California GRACE LAWRENCE of the town of Mumita, Calif. Box 619 Dated: Sept. 19, 1889 | Probated: Feb. 1, 1890 Daughters: Fannie and Alice Son: Charles Episcopal Church of Oceanside, California Executors and Trustees: Frances Laurence Charles E. Laurence LORENZ SCHEERER of Wildornan, California Box 622 Dated: Sept. 4, 1889 | Probated: Feb. 11, 1891 Brothers: David Scheerer of Reppenau Baden, Germany Adam Scheerar, Kivkuk, Iowa Sisters: Mrs. Susanna Nofman of Mulborn, Germany Elizabeth Lohman of Wertenburg, Germany Christina Schultz deceased but survived by five daughters viz. Emma, Mary, Lizzie, Carrie, and Amelia. Executors: John Johnston of Wildoman, Calif. and William Collins of San Diego, California Witnesses: John Johnston of Wildoman, Calif. William Collier of San Diego, California GEORGE A MOULTON of deering , Co. of Cumberland, Maine. Box 635 Dated: Aug. 28, 1888 | Probated: March .5, 1890 Wife: Edith N. Moulton, her heirs and assigns forever. Executor: Augustus F. Moulton of Portland, Maine Witnesses: Frank H. Carlisle, Malden, Mass. E. Lunt Malden, Mass. Florence H. Carlisle Malden, Mass. ---end---