The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 053--- 53 PUJOL, DOMINGO | Volume 1 Box 38 Gracia, Kingdom of Spain (Full name of Testator - Domingo Pujol y Grau, native of the town of San Lorenzo de Morunys, at present an inhabitant of Sans, having been a merchant and residing many years in San Francisco, California.) Dated: October 17, 1878 (Age 51) (Will drawn up by Francisco Ferresy-Viver) Notary Wife: Mercedes de Pujol (Full name - Dona Maria de la Mercedes Torras y Mustaros Cidula No 1712, declared to be legitimate and natural son of Don Esteban Pujol y Riu and Dona Rita Grau; living consorts. Executors: Mercedes de Pujol (appointed by S D Co Court) Antonio Fatjo; Charles Romie of Monterey County, also Don Joaquin Argues of Santa Clara (not appointed) Witnesses; Juan Jo Fresa of Lleonart of Gracia Lorenzo Corominola y Pengdevall, San Puvat Probated: September 13, 1881 Died: March 16, 1881 in City of Barcelona, Kingdom of Spain. Father of Testator - Esteban Pujol, aged 85 years, residing at San Lorenzo de Morunys in Kingdom of Spain Father-in-law - Don Juan Torras y Espiguli Articles of marriage of Testator and wife Mercedes executed before the same notary as drawing up of Will, were signed October 29, 1874. In event wife died before Will is executed, he substitutes father-in-law Don Juan Torras y Espiguli and brother-in-law Don Tomas Pujol y Grau jointly. Revokes all Wills and Codicils especially the one made in San Francisco, California, September 1877. Will numbered "995" in town of Gracia, Spain. Copy attested by Jose Foutanals y Arata and Joaquin Serra, notaries and sworn to before the American Consul at Barcelona, Fred N Schenck on March 28, 1881 Will probated in Spain and original on file passed by Judge Juan M de "Palacio" before F co Planas Castello Clerk of Court The President of the Superior Tribunal of Principality of Catalonia, signed Victor Lopez de Maria ---end---