The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 050--- 50 NEYHART, ADNAH | Volume 1 Box 21 Borough of Tidionte, County Warren, Pennsylvania Dated: May 14, 1875 Wife: Maria Jane Neyhart Sons: Adnah Neyhart (Minor named in Will) Daughters: Emma Grandin Neyhart (Minor) named in Will Others: E B Grandin; J L Grandin, brother of wife William Ti Scheide; Anna C Fish; Marietta Neyhart, sisters of Adnah Neyhart and his brother Alpheus F Neyhart Executors: Marie Jane Neyhart; William T Scheide; E B Grandin; J L Grandin. Witnesses: Richard J Williams; A C Seltzer; Joshua Pusey. Codicil by D B Hoffman; A De Frees; H H Christian; William A Winder; J A Judd; Joe Faivre Probated: March 15, 1881 Died February 17, 1875 in San Diego, California, but was a resident of County of Warren, Pennsylvania There was a codicil to his Will in San Diego County, Calif. Value of Estate - $100,000.00 -*-*-*-*-*- SIKES, ZENAS | Volume 1 Box 26 San Bernardino County, California Dated: September 25, 1879 Wife: Eliza M Sikes Sons: Edward Z Sikes (Minor); Zenas Sikes; Harry Arthur Sikes. Daughters: Lottie E Sikes (Minor); Ida Adelphia Duncan; Eva Rosalin Casady; Kate Isabella Kinoweth Executors: Eliza M Sikes; Hiram C Morrell, Santa Clara, Cal Witnesses: J L Rowe; Will M Smith, San Diego, Calif Probated: May 23, 1881 (died about April 2, 1881) ---end---