The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 035--- 35 REED, ROBERT | Old Court., Vol. 2 Box 150 San Diego, San Diego County, California Dated: February 6, 1878 Wife: Antonia Reed Son: Lorenzo $26.00 Daughters: Amelia, Laura, Ellenor, (children mentioned as being by his present wife Antonia) Executor: Frederick Scholder Witnesses: H F Williams; E G Elliss Probated: April 15, 1878 The $25 legacy to son Lorenzo Reed and all debts are to be paid from the estate. Wife Antonia Reed to receive one hald (1/2) of estate. The other 1/2 of estate to be divided equally among the three daughters of said wife Antonia: Amelia, Laura, Ellenor. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*- RINGGOLD, CADWALDER A | Old Court, Vol 2 Box 160 (Captain U.S.N.) Washington, D.C., citizen of State of Maryland Dated: August 24, 1861 Sister: Ann C Schley, wife of William Schley, Esq. Attorney-at-law in city of Baltimore, Maryland Administrator: William C Schley (nephew) Witnesses: N Callan, Christina V P Callan, Cornelius Callan Probated: December, 1870 -*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ---end---