The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 030--- 30 de OSUNA, LOPEZ, JULIANA | Old Court, Vol 2 Box "135" San Diego, San Diego County, California Dated: June 20, 1870 Son: Juan Daughters: Felippa Marrow, Sugardo Machado, Francisco Marrow de Osuna (widow of Leandro) Young Girl: Leonora Osuna, Grandchildren: Children of Leonora (daughter) (wife of Sylvester Marrow) - Juan Maria Morrow, Eloisa Marrow, Jose Maria Marrow, Sylvester Marrow, Ahran Marrow. Children of deceased son Julio Osuna (Esmiraldo Osuna) - Anabel Osuna, Leon Osuna, Martin Osuna, Julia Osuna Camelio Osuna. Executors: Don Jose Guadalupe Estudillo (without bond) Witnesses: Benjamin Hayes, Rev A Ubach Probated: February 12, 1872 (Page 138) Will attached to Letters of Administration Recorded * October 6, 1876 Sherman Lacy, Administrator. Item 1. Body shall be buried in Santa Gertrude's Cemetery of Old Town, San Diego, with 50 masses for soul of testator aforsaid. Item 2. To Father Signoret $100 and to Mr McDonald $10. Item 3. Declared that Mrs Alice Denther owes $750 on promissory note, dated July 30, 1869. When money is paid with interest to be divided in succeeding five articles. Item 4. $150 to be paid as her share to creditors of her late husband, Don Juan Maria Osuna, if there be that much debt of his remaining. Item 5. Expenditures for masses for husband, children and friends. Item 6. To Rev Father Ubach $50 toward erection of new Catholic Church in Old Town, San Diego Item 7. $100 to son Juan Item 8. The rest to be divided among daughters equally; Felippa Marrow, Sugurdo Machado, Francisco Marrow de Osuna, (widow of Leandro) Leonora Osuna (being the same young girl raised by me and now living with me), children of hereafter ---end---