The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 026--- 26 MARROW, JUAN MARIA | cont'd may not pass that right to a third person. He must look after the welfare of the Testator's family for these bequests. 12. All livestock on Ranch at San Francisco Agua Hedionda, to be divided equally between wife and children. 13. To son Juan Nepomuceno, he gives his part of the land of the Cuevos de Vinado for himself alone. 14. The household furnishings are to belong to his wife, but in the event of her death or remarriage to be divided among the four children. 15. To wife, the carriage mentioned in item 7 and the two wagons to wife and children to be used jointly. 16. He declared that Thomas F Sutherland, lawyer of San Francisco, has in his possession, certain documents of the value of a sum of money which Testator reclaimed from the U S Government, the receipt for which "I hold in my hands in my writing desk". 17. Brother-in-law Leander Osuna, owes the testator 10 heifers and six cows with calves. 18. Jose R. Arguello of Tia Juana owes testator 2 barren cows and 2 yearling steers. 19. "Compadre Sylvestre de la Portella" owes him 2 good wagons, 5 yoke of oxen, 10 head of horses and mares and 2 jacks. 20. All undeclared property to be divided equally between wife and children. 21. Delcared that all cattle or horse kind with brand or ear mark of wife, was her own separate property. 22. Declared that some cattle and 10 fillies which have his brand inverted on the left side are the private property of my son Jesus. 23. All cattle and horse kind which are on his ranch and branded with brand known in his family as that of my son Juan Nepomuceno are his private property. 24. All cattle or horse kind with brand which is known to family as my son Jose Cayetano is his private property. 25. Was left out of translation and placed at the end of will. In it, testator appoints wife, Felipa Osuna, wife, as guardian for the children. 26. Executors (1) Felipa Osuna, wife and (2) Sylvestre Marrow, brother, to serve without bond. 27. revokes other wills. ---end---