The Wayback Machine - *** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 018--- 18 FISCHER, GUSTAV | Old Court, Vol 2, page Box "55" San Diego, San Diego County, (aged 49) Dated: April 7, 1855 Wife: Sophia Fischer Sons: Frederick Daughters: Johannette, Johnna, and Catherine Guintels, wife of William Guintels, Louisa Schneider, wife of Edward Schneider, Louisiana Adminstrators: Lewis Rose Witnesses: E H Morse and Charles Gerson Probated: June 11, 1855. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- FISHER, EZRA | Old Court, Vol 2 Box "60" The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon Wife: Amelia Fisher Sons: E T T Fisher, F W Fisher Daughters: Ann Eliza Lattourette, Sarah Josephine Henderson Others: Eva Ogle, Lyman Ezra Lattourette Executors: Lyman D C Lattourette and William C Johnson Witnesses: O Humasen, The Dalles, Oregon James B Condon, The Dalles,Oregon Probated: May 18, 1875 (died in Oregon, October 1874) Probated at Court House, Wasco County, Oregon Article 6: Bestows $200 toward erection of Baptist Church Meeting house at The Dalles, Oregon, provided it be used for that purpose. The residue of estate to wife Amelia shall be given to sons E T T Fisher and F W H Fisher and the Mackminville College, share and share alike. Attached to copy of Will, - Nov 19, 1874, the Executors petitioned for letters of Administration in San Diego. Since the deceased owned part of Rancho El Cajon, Lot I, upon map of Rancho made by M G Wheeler, January 1 1874, lists heirs as above. ---end---