Madera County, California
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Madera Biographies: GEORGE JONES
GEORGE W. JONES. Among the younger generation
of men who are rapidly coming to the front in Madera County mention is
made of George W. Jones, who, as manager of the Borden farm, has shown
rare business ability. This ranch, which contains two thousand two
hundred and forty acres, is well located about four and three-quarters
miles west of Madera and upon it is to be found the well-known Richland
vineyard which alone contains two hundred acres, devoted solely to the
culture of the raisin grape. Two sections of this farm are devoted
to grain-raising, and dairy farming is also carried on to some extent,
about one hundred fine milch cows being kept constantly upon the place.
From ten to thirty men are employed upon the farm, as occasion demands;
the largest barn in Madera County is located there, the dimensions being
250x100 feet.
George W. Jones, a descendant of a prominent Kentucky family, was born in Santa Clara County in 1877. His father, Hugh S. Jones, was a native of Kentucky, and crossed the plains to California in the early days of the gold excitement. Entering the mines in 1849, he was one of the few who were successful in their mining operations and became one of the wealthy men in California during the early pioneer days. He was among the most active politicians of his section, a Democrat by his political preference; at one time he was state comptroller of the currency. He was a thirty-second degree Mason. At the time of his death, in 1893, California lost one of her most public-spirited citizens. By his marriage, he was untied with Henrietta Bye. G. W. Jones grew to manhood in Santa Clara County and had
the advantage of a liberal education. His common school education
was supplemented by a complete scientific course in the Garden City College,
and he was graduated from that institution in the class of 1897.
He subsequently took a business course in Santa Clara College, and after
leaving school, took up the occupation of bookkeeping which occupied his
attention for four years, in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose, where
he was chosen manager of the Borden farm in Madera County, a position he
still holds and for which he has shown much aptitude. He was united
in Marriage with Jeanet La Montagne, who was born in Santa Clara County
and is a graduate of San Jose high school, class of 1897, and to them have
been born three children, Gillion Hugh, Marjorie J. and Margaret S.
Jones and family occupy a high place in social circles. He is a member
of Madera Lodge No. 280 F. & A. M., and of
Guinn, J. M., History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the San Joaquin Valley, California, (Chicago: Chapman Publishing, 1905), page 674. |
Transcribed by Harriet Sturk.
Last update: September 16, 2000
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