Any list of Graduates for Lake County Schools before 1950 that you would like to contribute, please type it, and attach it to an email to me.
Also an early history of a school; Or a list of Teachers......
Anita Crabtree
When the Lake County Courthouse burned in 1867, all official records, including school records, were lost.
So it isn't known when or where the first schools were started in the county. But, in April 1856, two school districts were formed in Clear Lake Township (Lake County was still a part of Napa County at that time). The two school districts covered the Big Valley and Upper Lake areas, and J. C. Herron was the first Superintendnent of Schools.
There were already several schools in existence even before these school districts were formed. And there are records that seem to indicate that there might have been Private Schools before there were any public schools.
This will be an attempt to bring you the history and pictures of as many of these schools as possible.
Miscellaneous Lake Co. School Information
Feb. 6, 1879 - Middletown has a private school - Miss Mary Stark, Principal
Feb. 6, 1879 - Prof. Scott's private school is flourishing finely, both pecuniarily and otherwise. (no location given)
There were apparently at least two other school districts; Franklin School District and Willow Grove School District. But, there is no indication that there was ever a school in either of them.
Notes in historical files say: "Franklin School District was dissolved into Pleasant Grove School District and the Upper Lake School District".
Willow Grove School District was formed from the Upper Lake School District and took in Blue Lakes, Bachelor Valley and Tule Lake. The historical notes on May 4, 1869 say: "Willow Grove School District dissolved into the Upper Lake School District".