Russel Blower | James Gunn | Lester Jeter |
Garret Bradley | Annette Hanson | Milford Porter |
Edna Cmelik | Wendell Hanson | Alvin Shook |
Neva Graham | Adelaide Hayes | Mary Utting |
Nina Graham |
Robert Fowler | Herbert Mosher | James Stokes |
Hugh Gaddy, Jr. | Mary O'Brien | Algerina Sylar |
Hazel Hatfield | Herbert Osborn | Phyllis Whetstone |
Irene Hayes | Eleanor Renfro |
Bernhard Anderson | Phyllis Herndon | Bud Schoenberger |
Charlotte Bradley | Joyce Rickabaugh | Andrew Shook |
Virginia Doyle | Melvin Rush | Loy Sullivan |
John Ford | Muriel Rush | Kenneth Trailor |
Alfred Burdick | Gwendolyn Gross | James Paulson |
Roberta Campbell | Evelyn Hatfield | Mervin Rush |
Norman Dorn | Maynard Hughes | Jack Timothy |
Billy Gard | Edith Mason | Richard Wagner |
Charlotte Gatton |
Margaret Boggs | Eveleen Keithly | Virginia Sullivan |
Ernest Bradley | Harvey Mosher | Anthony Urch |
Marian Gaddy | Howard Norton | Jessie Williams |
Bruce Gunn | Jean Peterson | Esther Young |
Martha Jordon |
John Cochran | Dixie Ford | Myrtle Rush |
Kent Colwell | Milton Hatfield | Marjorie Sechler |
Katherine Dorn | Jack Paulson | Bill Shinn |
Myrtle Dwinell | Elenor Laurenroth | Rex Shinn |
Edna Farley | Fred Laurenroth | Bill Ungewitter |
Lee Felix | Eva Osborne | Jack Ungewitter |
Natalie Fitzgerald | Margaret Reiton |
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Anita Crabtree Last Updated 01/26/2020 |
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