Alpine County is one of 58 counties within the State of California. It was named for |
its mountainous landscape. |
Estimated Population (2004): 1,190 |
County Seat: Markleeville |
Area: 738.62 square miles |
Population Density: approximately 2 people for every square mile |
Racial Makeup (2000 figures):
65.9% Caucasian
7.8% Hispanic or Latino
18.9% Native American
.6% African American
0.3% Asian
0.1% Pacific Islander
6.4% other race or two or more races
Population by Gender (2000 figures):
635 males (52.6%)
573 females (47.4%)
Population by Age (2000 figures):
15 or younger: 210 (17.4%)
16-24: 192 (15.9%)
25-44: 332 (27.5%)
45-64: 354 (29.3%)
65 and older: 120 (9.9%)
Average age (years): 37.52
Population Growth:
2000 Population: 1,208
2003 Population: 1,209
Change: .1%
State Rank: 51 of 58
Housing (2000 figures):
Median price asked for vacant housing: $162,500
Compared to median price in California: $151,900
Compared to median price in U.S.: $89,600
Owner-Occupied housing: 79.8%
Renter-Occupied housing: 20.2%
Income: In 2002, the per capita personal income in Alpine County was $27,538. This was an increase of 32.6% from 1997. The 2002 figure was 89% of the national per capita income, which was $30,906.
Religion (ARDA 2000 figures):
Name of Church |
Congregation Total |
Adherent* Total |
Church of Jesus Christ of LDS |
1 |
601 |
Jewish |
1 |
50 |
Unclaimed or Unknown |
557 |
*Adherents include adults and children
Airports (0)
Colleges (0)
Libraries (2) – Alpine County (Markleeville), Bear Valley Station (Bear Valley)
Museums (1) – Alpine County (Markleeville)
School Districts (1) – Alpine County (Markleeville)
Schools, Charter/Continuation/Other (1) – Alpine County Unified Community Day (Markleeville)
Schools, Elementary (3) –
Bear Valley Elementary (Bear Valley)
Diamond Valley Elementary (Markleeville)
Kirkwood Meadows Elementary (Kirkwood)
Schools, Junior and Senior High (2) –
Bear Valley High (Bear Valley) – 7 students
Woodfords High (Markleeville) – 10 students
*note: Most high school-aged students attend high school at Douglas High School in the State of Nevada
Schools, Private (0)
Crime Statistics (FedStats 2000 figures):
*note: Crime Statistics are crimes reported to police. For actual arrests, see next statistics.
Murder: 0
Rape: 1
Robbery: 0
Aggravated Assault: 9
Burglary: 40
Larceny – Theft: 37
Motor Vehicle Theft: 0
Arrest Statistics (FedStats 2000 figures):
Murder: 0
Rape: 0
Robbery: 0
Aggravated Assault: 6
Burglary: 2
Larceny – Theft: 14
Motor Vehicle Theft: 0
Arson: 0
Other Assaults: 0
Forgery & Counterfeiting: 1
Fraud: 10
Embezzlement: 0
Receiving Stolen Property: 1
Vandalism: 1
Weapons Violations: 2
Prostitution & Commercial Vice: 0
Sex Offenses: 0
Total Drug Violations: 15
Gambling: 0
Domestic Violence: 0
Driving Under Influence: 28
Liquor Law Violations: 5
Public Drunkenness: 9
Disorderly Conduct: 0
Vagrancy: 0
All Other Offenses, Except Traffic: 22
Clean Air Statistics:
Alpine County does not make the Scorecard list of California counties with Health Risks from Criteria Air Pollutants.
Alpine County does not make the Scorecard list of California counties with Exposures to Criteria Air Pollutants.
Alpine County does not make the Scorecard list of California counties with Emissions of Criteria Air Pollutants.
Alpine County has no exceedances of Clean Air Act Standards.
Alpine County is traditionally a “red” (primarily conservative republican) county. However, according to vote totals for 2004, Bush received 311 votes and Kerry received 373 votes. In the November 2000 race, the outcome in Alpine County was quite close. Countywide, 281 people voted for Bush and 265 voted for Gore. Nader received 25 votes.
Voters: Measured by the count of citizens age 18 and older at the time of the 2000 census, Alpine County has 918 potential voters (496 or 54% male and 422 or 46% female). |
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Saturday, January 8, 2022 23:17
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