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Alpine Miner News Items and Advertisements, 1867
Monitor, Alpine County, California
From the typewritten notes of the Richard N. Schellens Collection of Historical Materials, Vol. 71 – Section 16, Other Counties (Alpine-Vol. 6)
Donated by Walter Castor
Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben and Elizabeth E. Bullard-Watson (2006)
News Items from the Alpine Miner of July 6, 1867:
“The Alpine Miner July 6, 1867 carries 2/3 column on three parcels of land in and near Monitor, all belonging to G. G. Payne, a total of some 455 acres, with full description of each. These tracts of land were registed at Jackson, Amador County on August 18th. 1863 in Book B, pages 242, 243, 238, 239, 240 in accordance with an act entitled “An Act to prescribe the mode of maintaining and defending possessory actions on Public Lands in this State,” with registration in the Possessory or Preemption book. F. McGrath certified to this effect as County Treasurer of Amador County.”
“Union Central Committee. The members of the Union Central Committee of Alpiune County are requested to meet in the town of Monitor on Saturday, July 6, 1867 at 2 o’clock PM for the transaction of such business as may properly come before them. J. C. Ransom, Chairman, Mogul, June 28, 1867. 5td.”
“Another item, over the signature of Robert Patterson, Tax Collector, has to do with the refusal of several parties, all intent upon supplying wood toNevada towns via the Carson River, to pay 37½ cents per cord floated down this river as tax. A collector’s sale for the payment of the toll or tax is herewith announced, the parties involved being members of Holenback’s Camp on the main Carson River, County of Alpine: C. A. Flanders, Decker, Ogden and others.”
“Item: Notice of assessment on the stockholders of the Central Lode and Company, Monitor District, L. L. Lewis secy, to meet in the office of S. G. Lewis. Members of the company: J. Edgar Jones, Frank H. Jones, E. B. Costain, and E. D. S. Carroling.”
“Item: Notice of assessment on the stockholders of White Swan Lode and Company, to the benefit of Christian Nelson, a member and locator of said company and lode. Meeting to be held in the office of S. G. Lewis in Monitor. L. L. Lewis notifier.”
“Items: Tarshish claim, Leviathan claim, Illinois tunnel, Sunshine claim, Ringold tunnerl, Morning Star Company.”
“Item: IIOF. At a meeting of Webster Lodge No. 119, held last Saturday, the following named members were elected to fill the various offices for the term commencing July 1st: J. C. Ransom, M. Maxwell, E. D. Black, William P. Merrill, and William Hyndman.”
“Candidates: subject to the decision of the Union county convention:
For District Attorney: N. C. Briggs (re-election)
For County Clerk: J. N. Barber (re-election)
For County Treasurer: Joseph Larson
For Recorder: J. C. Young
For Sheriff: D. N. McBeth (re-election)”
“Item: Constable’s Sale in favor of J. S. Adams, plaintiff, against the Dolcloth Gold and Silver Mining Company, the property being described as lying about a mile northwest of Silver Mountain and in Scandinavian Canon, and lying westerly of the Pittsburg Company claim or lode. Chas. B. Gregory, constable, 2d Township, Alpine County.”
“Item: Delinqueny list covering Buckeye No. 2 Gold and Silver Mining Co, J. C. Young, secy pro tem, with the following named as being deliquent in payments (assessments): J. W. Barens, J. F. Boldon, L. D. Cheeney, John Cronkight, Will Downing, P. Felsenthal, L. C. Gilpin, H. H. Hartley, E. A. Hasley, N. A. Johnson, J. M. Johnson, Mrs. Sarah Kilgore, Mrs. J. Kid, John J. Rice, F. Randall, D. C. Riddell, M. Shearer, H. D. Scott, J. M. Scott, E. D. Swinerton, E. C. Sessions, Mrs. Carie Tibbets, A. J. Taggard, O. Tanner, Sol Wagenheim, H. J. Ward, George Wood, S. B. McCumber, C. H. Mauk. The office of the company was in the Wells, Fargo & Co building on Main Street in Silver Mountain.”
“Item: Delinquency list covering Pennsylvania Gold and Silver Mining Co., John A. Johnson, secretary, with offices in the WF Bldg., Silver Mountain, on account of assessments made: Thomas Anundson, Wm B. Allen, E. A. Coursen, Neils Eide, C. J. Edward, Chas. A. Flemming, Thomas Hanson, F. S. Hatch, iver Hanson, Mrs. J. A. Kidd, Conrad Knecht, L. L. Achman, Maxwell Long, Conrad Liese, Reed B. McMahon, A. G. Nelson, Thomas Olson, A. H.Powers, John H. Russell, Ole Reinert, Peter Ramsey, Jacob Simon, Smith & Lindenmyer, John Sutherland, Phillip Thompson, James S. Young.”
“Item: Notice of assessment of two dollars on the stockholders of the Scandinavian Turnpike Company, D. K. Swim, secretary, with offices at the CountyRecorder’s office in Silver Mountain.”
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Advertisements from the Alpine Miner of July 6, 1867
“The Alpine Miner, S. G. Lewis, proprietor. The Miner is published every Saturday morning at Five Dollars a year. L. P. Fisher, Thomas Boyce, and J. J. Knowlton & Co, and Hudson & McCarty, San Francisco, and E. K. Phipps, Sacramento, are our authorized agents. Job printing of every description executed with neatness and dispatch. Our facilities for book and job printing enable us to defy competition this side of the Sierras. The Miner has the largest circulation of any paper published in Alpine and is the best advertising medium.”
“Assay Office. Dr J. W. Waters office at Pioneer Mill, Markleeville. Gold and silver and all kinds of ores assayed, and correct returns guaranteed. Charges reasonable. June 2, 1866”
“C. P. Goff, attorney and counselor at law notary public, Main street (next to Webster House), Markleeville, All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attend to. June 4, 1864”
“Henry Cook, attorney and counselor at law, Main street (Barnes' Hotel) Markleeville. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. June 11, 1864”
“Empire Meat Market, at Markleeville by C. H. Kilgore. The proprietor of this market will at all times keep on hand the best beef and mutton that can be obtained in the Valleys beneath and solicit a share of the patronage of the public. N. B. A meat wagon will run every Saturday to Monitor, via Alpine House, Mount Bullion and Murrayville.”
“Dissolution of Partnership. Notice- the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the name and style of Gelatt & Moore, in the Alpine Stage Line, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Genoa, January 1st 1867. J. Moore, H. D. Gelatt. N. B. Gelatt will continue to run the machine as usual.”
“H. D. Gelatt's Pioneer State Line to Alpine will leave Genoa for Fredericksburg, Woodfords, Markleeville, Bullion, onitor, Mogul and Silver Mountain, Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, returning leaves the above points Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Through by daylight. H. D. Gelatt, May 1st 1867”
“Sol. Wangenheim, corner of Main and Montgomery Sts, Markleeville. Have a large and well selected stock of general merchandise, consisting of boots and shoes, dry goods, clothing, groceries, hams, bacon, lard, and butter, wines, brandies and liquors, crockery, hardware, powder and fuse, stoves, iron, steel, doors, windows and sashes, furnishings goods and c & c, parties wishing to purchase for cash will do well to call at this store before purchasing elsewhere. Goods delivered free, to all parts of the county. Sol. Wangenheim, May 19, 1866”
“N. C. Briggs, Attorney at Law and District Attorney, Silver Mountain. All legal matters entrusted to him will be executed with care and dispatch. Office inCourt House Building. Jan 26, 1867 n 35 tf.”
“W. W. Harris, watchmaker and jeweler, Silver Mountain. Great care exercised in repairing watches and valuable jewelry. Quartz specimen and Bullion work executed with neatness and dispatch. April 14th, 1866 n 46 tf.”
“R. Thompson, attorney at law, Silver Mountain. Business promptly attended to in all parts of the county. Office on Fourth Street, between Main and Water. June 2, 1866 n 1 tf.”
“J. S. Adams, M.D., physician and surgeon, Silver Mountain. Office on Main Street, between 5th and 6th. Will respond promptly to calls from all parts of Alpine. June 2, 1866 n 1 tf.”
“DeWitt C. Riddell, notary public, mining secretary and general agent, Silver Mountain, at the telegraph office. All business entrusted to his care promptly attended to. June 11, 1864 2tf.”
“M. Tebbs, attorney and counselor at law, Silver Mountain, California. June 4, 1864 1 tf.”
“Brown’s Hotel, Main Street, Silver Mountain. Mrs. Brown takes this method of informing the friends of this house and the boarding and traveling public that, as of old, she is prepared to receive regular boarders and transient custom on reasonable terms. The best the market affords will always be found at her table and well furnished and clean her rooms and beds. Patronage respectfully solicited and no pains spared to insure satisfaction to guests.Silver Mountain, July 1, 1867. 6 tf.”
“New goods. I. S. Powers, at his old stand, Main Street, Silver Mountain, has now on hand and constantly arriving a new and complete assortment of general merchandise, consisting of groceries, dry goods, clothing, boots & shoes, furnishing goods, hardware, mining toolds, powder, fuse, in fact, everything required by people in a mining community. He defies competition and courts inspection, both as to the quality and prices of his goods. Goods delivered in any part of the county. Silver Mountain, July 1, 1867, 6 tf.”
“Cigars and tobacco, matches and pipes, stationary, blank books and law books, cutlery, violin and guitar strings, willow ware, lamps, fruits and candies for sale at the lowest rates by L. Wichelhausen, Silver Mountain. Also exclusive agent for Sacramento Union, San Francisco Bulletin, Virginia Enterprise.Magazines, periodicals, and pictorials received by every mail. Silver Mountain, January 24, 1867 n 35 tf.”
“M. Maxwell, Justice of the Peace, office, Main Street, Mogul. May 26, 1866 n 52 tf.”
“S. G. Lewis, notary public, conveyancer, Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Nevada, mining secretary, and general agent, corner of Main and Monitor Streets. Companies incorporated. Deeds, contracts, leases &c neatly drawn. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and thoroughly attended to. Monitor, June 4th, 1866. 1 tf.”
“Jos. F. Boldon, Constable 5th Township, Alpine County. Office – Main Street, Monitor. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care with fidelity and dispatch. March 31, 1866 n44tf.”
“Blacksmithing in all its branches neatly and promptly done. Having engaged a competent workman, the undersigned solicits public patronage. Main nearMonitor Street. G. G. Payne. Monitor, December 24th, 1864. 30.”
“The Town of Monitor. The undersigned in calling the attention of parties desirous of locating in this town would say, that for salubrity of climate, purity of water, and beauty of location, no more desirable spot can be found for a residence in the mountainous Alpine County than in the town of Monitor. By the peculiar formation of the hills that bound the site of the town on either side, it is completely shielded from those sweeping winds so prevalent in higher altitudes. It is situated in the very midst of one of the richest silver mining districts on the ‘Eastern Slope’. The water of the creek can be so controlledthat it can be brought in every house in town. An addition to the Town has recently been laid out and over Six Hundred lots have been platted. Persons wishing to purchase would be well to call upon the subscriber and examine for themselves. G. G. Payne. Monitor, July 29, 1865 n9tf.”
“Laborers wanted. Labor will be taken in exchange for lots of timber and firewood. A good portion of the labor so taken will be expended in grading streets, thus enhancing the value of the property sold. Inquire of G. G. Payne, Monitor, July 29 n9tf.”
“Stabling. Good stabling and feed for animals, furnished by the subscriber at reasonable rates. Prompt payment required in all instances. Main nearMonitor Street. Monitor, July 29, n9tf. G. G. Payne.”
“Houses to let. A number of dwelling houses to let, various parts of the town. Inquire of G. G. Payne, Monitor, July 29 n9tf.”
“To Business Men. Good eligible locations on Main Street for business purposes. For sale or rent, with or without buildings. Inquire of G. G. Payne, Monitor, July 29 n9tf.”
“Wood Choppers Wanted. The subscriber wishes to contract for the cutting of 300 cords of wood, payable in town lots, building timber, or firewood. Inquire of G. G. Payne. Monitor, July 29 n9tf.”
“For Sale: building timber and firewood. Persons wishing building timber or firewood can be supplied on reasonable terms by calling on the subscriber. G. G. Payne. Monitor, July 29 n9tf.”
“County Scrip at Par. For debts due the Monitor Gazette or Alpine Miner for subscriptions to date and for all advance payments of subscription to the Miner, I will receive Alpine County scrip at par. S. G. Lewis, proprietor. Monitor, January 1st, 1867.”
“Tarshish Hotel. The undersigned, having leased a large and commodious house, centrally located and thoroughly refitted and furnished the same as a hotel, announces to the citizens of Monitor, of Alpine County, and the traveling public generally, that he is prepared to entertain them with the best the market affords and on live and let live terms. Transient boarders: per day $2.00; per meal 50c; lodging 50c; coin payable in advance. Regular boarders: without room, per week $7.00; with room, per week $10.00, coin payable weekly. Patronage is respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Boldon, Monitor, May 25, 1867. 52 tf.”
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